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Virtual Lab

The Virtual Lab is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

The Apporto Virtual Lab is an online extension of physical lab space. It provides access to a full Windows 10 operating system and software available in the current lab environment. The Virtual Lab is accessible from anywhere and available 24/7 with an appropriate computer and a capable internet connection.

The Virtual Lab is being offered to students enrolled in classes in the Lerner College of Business and Economics.

Connect to the Virtual Lab

To access the Virtual Lab, log in at: https://udel.apporto.com

Technical Information

The Virtual Lab utilizes the Apporto platform in order to offer a virtual desktop experience. You only need a modern web browser in order to use the Apporto Virtual Lab.


  • Enrollment in a Lerner course
  • A laptop/desktop
  • Reliable internet connection
  • Web Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge)

Virtual lab FAQ

Is the Virtual Lab always online?

We are committed to providing you the best experience possible and we will make you aware of any planned outages. However, ensure that you plan accordingly for both scheduled and unscheduled outages.

How do I participate in the Virtual Lab?

Your instructor will enroll you if your class requires the Virtual Lab.

Will my device work for the Virtual Lab?

The virtual lab was designed to work on a wide variety of productivity devices. This includes Windows and Apple Desktops, as well as Laptop computers. We strongly recommend using a laptop or a desktop, as tablets and cellular devices have not been fully tested.

You will need an internet connection to use the Virtual Lab.

If you need help selecting a computer to use with the virtual lab, please review the recommended computer specifications set forth by the University for more detailed information.

Is a certain browser required when accessing the Virtual Lab?

We recommend using Firefox when establishing a connection to the Virtual Lab. 

Am I able to save my work on the Virtual Lab?

The Virtual Lab is built around providing a reliable and consistent experience. To achieve this goal any changes made within the lab environment are reverted during logoff and all desktops are restored to a pristine state. Cloud storage is provided allowing files to be saved remotely and accessed seamlessly between Virtual Lab sessions.
You will be able to access the Google Drive through the Kumo client in the Virtual Lab.

How do I use and access my personal files?

Instructions for using the Apporto Cloud Mounter are available here: https://readme.lerner.udel.edu/apporto-cloud-mounter/

Once you log in, connect your Google Drive for the University of Delaware, and it should be added automatically.
If you have any additional questions please email lerner-support@udel.edu.

Get Help

For the best assistance, we strongly recommend opening a ticket or sending an email to the Lerner IT team. If you leave a voicemail, please leave your name, email address, a description of your question and a telephone number.

Support Hours:

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Contact Us:

026 Purnell Hall



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