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Project Turnaround Times

Once your project request is assigned, you can expect your project to be completed within these general turnaround times. Please be aware that we request as much advance notice as possible to complete your project. Depending on its complexity, your project may be broken into multiple tickets.

During the first two weeks of the academic semesters, project delivery may be extended due to demand.

Product Time
Email campaigns Up to 7 days
Email list requests Up to 14 days
Social media: Posts and campaigns Up to 5 days
Signage: Digital and print Up to 4 days
Design: New, updates and printing Up to 10 days
Writing/editing: UDaily, Lerner news and research articles Up to 20 days
Writing/editing: Event coverage Up to 10 days
Web: Updates and analytics Up to 10 days
Web: Major revisions and new pages Consult Communications by emailing lernercomm@udel.edu


Open a Ticket

Please send an email to: lernercomm@udel.edu


This will create a ticket in our system and we will respond to you with questions about your project. Depending on its complexity, your project may be broken into multiple tickets.