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2024 Lerner Strategic Plan

The University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics leadership team is working with all members of the Lerner College community to build the next phase of our strategic plan, under Dean Oliver Yao. Our strategic planning process is a bottom-up, inclusive endeavor and its success hinges on the diverse insights and contributions from each member the Lerner Community. Your input and engagement are crucial to ensuring our plan resonates with the values and aspirations of our entire college community.

Why Your Participation Matters:

  • Shape Our Future: This is a unique opportunity to play an active role in shaping the future direction of our college.
  • Understand the Framework: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the framework and underlying concepts that will guide our strategic plan.
  • Join a committee: Explore various committees and find the right fit for your skills and interests to contribute more effectively.

A username and password is required to access the 2024 Lerner College Strategic Plan. Please contact lernerdeansoffice@udel.edu with questions.